Singing Guide: Going My Way

Singing Guide: Going My Way

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing like Bing Crosby in Going My Way

Bing Crosby was one of the most famous American singers of the 20th century and a pioneer of popular music. He portrayed Father Chuck O'Malley in the classic movie "Going My Way," winning an Academy Award for Best Actor. In this article, we will describe how to learn singing like Bing Crosby, highlighting his unique vocal technique and famous songs. We will also incorporate practical advice and relevant Singing Carrots resources.

Breath Support and Control

Bing Crosby's singing technique emphasizes the importance of breath support and control. He used a deep, relaxed breath to power his voice, avoiding tension and strain. To achieve this, it's essential to practice your breathing technique regularly. Start by checking out Singing Carrots' article on breathing basics. Also, the Farinelli breathing video exercise will help you develop strong diaphragmatic breathing.

Vocal Warm-Ups and Exercises

Warming up your voice before singing is crucial. It helps prevent injury and prepares your voice for singing. For Bing Crosby's style of singing, try the Chest Voice Explained video exercise to help you develop your chest voice and improve your vocal resonance. The Sustain Vocal video exercise will also help you improve your breath support and control.

Vocal Placement and Articulation

Bing Crosby's smooth baritone vocal style was known for its effortless flow and clarity. He articulated his lyrics and hit his notes accurately, without straining his voice. Check out the Singing Carrots article on Articulation to learn more about the importance of articulating your lyrics. To improve your vocal placement and articulation, try the Finger Bite video exercise.

Song Interpretation

Bing Crosby was known for his emotional delivery and storytelling abilities in his songs. His performance of "Swinging on a Star" won the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1945. Check out Singing Carrots' article on How to Find Your Own Authentic Voice to develop your unique singing style and interpretation.

Relevant Singing Carrots resources

We hope you found these tips helpful in learning to sing like Bing Crosby. Remember to practice regularly, take care of your voice, and enjoy the process of improving your singing style and interpretation.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.